Don’t Wait For Perfect

Perfect is an ideal, not a time or a date… so don’t wait for it. I think this is one of the hardest concepts in life to balance with all of the expectations placed on us - by ourselves, our families, our whole society.

Somehow, in this giant, beautiful mess that is life, we are supposed to figure it all out - the right job, the perfect partner, polite and well-balanced children, the exact finances to buy the perfect house boat. But we want all those things to be perfectly timed - but life is too short for that shit.

Stuff happens, and living on an old sailboat, that can mean even more breakage than happens in land-based life. There’s a saying that, “Cruising is just fixing your boat in exotic places.” But for that to happen, you actually have to get there.

With the exception of having all of your safety gear in place and a good weather window (that’s when you might just want to wait for near-perfect), we’ve learned the hard lesson that your boat doesn’t have to be perfect to leave for the next destination.

So this next time around, we’re going to fix what we have to and everything else we want to upgrade or revamp can wait until we are somewhere we’ve dreamed of.


Battleborn Batteries