New Anchor = New Bow Roller

As we headed south down the ICW, it became clear that our anchor (the one that came with the boat) was not hefty enough for us to sleep well at night in windy, rolly anchorages. After an eventful night (hellllloooo anaphylactic shock due to a still-unknown critter) being taken by police boat to an ambulance and then on to the ER while staying in Hobe Sound, we found out there was a storm coming soon. We found a marina to cut into for safe harbor for a few nights and made our way to West Marine.

While there, we bought a new anchor, which then required a new bow roller… because that’s the way the cookie crumbles on a boat. The systems tend to tolerate what they have and anything you add that is larger or more modern then requires a new system of sorts. Fun, right?

Anyway, we bought both and promptly installed them, which definitely made anchoring (and getting good sleep) a whole lot easier.

Next step, new chain.


10 Lessons learned from the first time we lived aboard


Installing Solar Panels